gMixer Error : Invalid output device index. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 304╟Mixer Error: No mixer found with the selected playback device. Either change the playback device from File->Preferences menu item or you will not been able to use mixer functionality. Error code 305|Mixer Error : Could not open mixer of selected playback device. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 306|Mixer Error : No playback device selected. Please select a playback device from File->Preferences menu item. Error code 307ÜMixer Error : No mixer controls found in your selected recording or playback device. Please select different playback and recording device. Error code 308ëInternal Mixer Error : An unknown error has occurred while controling mixer. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 309ëInternal Mixer Error : An unknown error has occurred while controling mixer. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 310vMixer Error : Could not get recording device description. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 311╕Mixer Error : Invalid input device index. Please try choosing some other recording device from File->Preferences menu item. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 312╚Mixer Error: No mixer found with the selected recording device. Either change the recording device from File->Preferences menu item or you will not been able to use mixer functionality. Error code 313}Mixer Error : Could not open mixer of selected recording device. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 314|Mixer Error : No recording device selected. Please select a playback device from File->Preferences menu item. Error code 315kAn unknown error has occured in BAMixHlp Dll.
Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 316£Error: Cannot create thread for effects processing file. The system might be low on resoruces. Please close other applications and try again. Error code 317{Mixer Error : Could not get minimum and maximum output volume. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 318zMixer Error : Could not get minimum and maximum input volume. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support. Error code 319